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Over 115 years of Shipping Legacy

Vantage Shipping Lines S.A., is a dedicated dry bulk operator, providing both technical and commercial ship management to our private and third party owned vessels.


We leverage on our values, by implementing innovative and sustainable practices in our operating mechanism, and our proven track record of owning, trading, operating and disposing of vessels, to continuously improve and provide a wide range of high-end and ethical services.


What has been a family tradition of over a century, has led today’s 5th generation of shipowners to stay strongly committed to Vantage’s vision for shipping excellence.

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Vantage manages a pool of over 150 seafarers on a rotational basis. This ensures a permanent and reliable source of highly trained offshore personnel supporting our fleet.


What distinguishes Vantage from its peers is the outstanding loss prevention record which has reinforced the development of strong relationships with our Insurance partners.

Third Party

Vantage has a strong and undisrupted track record of providing third party technical and commercial management.


Our experienced Chartering Department works closely with cargo traders, repeatedly procuring Contracts of Affreightment (COAs) as a stable, medium to long-term source of employment.

Social Responsibility

Social responsibility is an integral part of our business and culture.
For our people, our community, our seas.

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